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Cape Chic

Happy Friday! Hope your day is going well :) Mine was spent running around doing errands since my class was canceled (yay!). It was around 60 degrees and cloudy so I couldn't get away with going outsite without some sort of jacket. So I decided to pull out this cape that I got for Christmas that i'm absolutely in LOVE with! It's the perfect piece to keep me warm in the chilly mornings of Spring. Then when it gets warmer in the afternoon, I just zip it off!

If you've been reading my blog, i'm sure you think that i'm obsessed with my black jeans, black booties, and my white Michael Kors purse and watch. Well, you're probably right! I just gravitate towards them every morning without thinking about it. I promise to work on adding more variety to my outfits!

(BTW don't mind my tired looking face and messy hair! I woke up extra early this morning and ran errands all day..)

Cape - Lulu's (exact)

Booties - Old Navy (similar, similar)

Purse - Michael Kors (similar, similar)

Watch - Michael Kors

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